using(SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(\"\", 587))
// Configure the client
client.EnableSsl = true;
client.UseDefaultCredentials = fal
message.To.Add(new MailAddress("; // replace with valid value
message.From = new MailAddress("", "Contact Form");
message.Subject = Subject;
message.Body = string.Format(NewBody);
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
using (var smtp = new SmtpClient())
var credential = new NetworkCredential
UserName = "", // replace with valid value
Password = "qwerty123456" // replace with valid value
smtp.Credentials = credential;
smtp.Host = "";
smtp.Port = 587;
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
Just This is working code for me you can use it,Only Problem with this code is sometime mails are coming in spam Folder.
Looks like there is a security issue with Gmail account.
I have also faced that same issue and then found solution from this post.
The post mentioned that you need to change the Account Permission setting with "Access of Less secure App" Enabled.
In fact you will get notification when you logged in to your gmail account.
You need to enable two step authentication for you Gmail account and get application password. Then use that password instead of regular one.