Function with variable parameter size: How to conditionally set some arguments?

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独厮守ぢ 2020-12-20 07:46

To create a boost::process with output redirection, you should do:

bp::ipstream out;
bp::child c(\"c++filt\", std_out > out);

Now, what

  • 2020-12-20 08:06

    The fancy boost::process API revolves around supplying handler objects implementing on_setup, on_error, on_success (and potentially some more, depending on current OS) methods that will be executed at process construction call in context of some internal process launcher and will be able to alter process launcher behavior. std_out > out is an overloaded operator that will return such handler. More information can be found at boost process Extensions documentation.

    So the generic way to conditionally control the redirection and other parameters would be to write generic handler proxy accepting optional real handler and calling appropriate methods of real handler:

    #include <boost/process.hpp>
    #include <boost/process/extend.hpp>
    #include <boost/optional.hpp>
    #include <memory>
    #include <utility>
    template<typename TRealHandler> class
    :    public ::boost::process::extend::handler
        private: using t_OptionalRealHandler = ::boost::optional<TRealHandler>;
        private: t_OptionalRealHandler m_real_handler;
        :   m_real_handler{}
        public: explicit
        t_OptionalHandler(TRealHandler && real_handler)
        :   m_real_handler{::std::move(real_handler)}
        template<typename TExecutor>
        void on_setup(TExecutor & e) const
        template<typename TExecutor>
        void on_error(TExecutor & e, const std::error_code & code) const
                m_real_handler.get().on_error(e, code);
        template<typename TExecutor>
        void on_success(TExecutor & e) const
    int main()
        bool const need_to_redirect{false};
        ::std::unique_ptr<::boost::process::ipstream> const p_stream
            new ::boost::process::ipstream{}
        using t_OptionalStdOutRedirectionHandler = t_OptionalHandler
            decltype(::boost::process::std_out > *p_stream)
        ::boost::process::child ch
        ,   need_to_redirect?
            t_OptionalStdOutRedirectionHandler{::boost::process::std_out > *p_stream}
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-20 08:17

    I've been there.

    Indeed, launcher functions (not exactly factories, but composable procedural wrappers) were what I used.


    We had a CommandRunner with a legacy implementation that I rewrote to use Boost. I'm skipping the public interface:

    class CommandRunner {
        public: struct IRunnerImpl;

    The implementation was Pimpl-ed and worked with the base implementation storing mostly simple implementation-independent parameters:

    struct CommandRunner::IRunnerImpl {
        virtual ~IRunnerImpl() = default;
        virtual void run()                    = 0;
        virtual void ensure_completed()       = 0;
        virtual std::string to_string() const = 0;
        friend class CommandRunner;
        std::string            _working_directory;
        mylibrary::optional<mylibrary::io::time::duration> _time_constraint;
        std::string            _stdin_data;
        int                    _redirected_output_fd     = -1;
        std::string            _redirected_output_fname;
        bool                   _discard_output           = false;
        int                    _exit_code;
        std::string            _stdout_str;
        std::string            _stderr_str;
        bool                   _command_timed_out        = false;
        bool                   _sensitive_args           = false;
        string_map_t           _env;

    The Boost RunnerImpl

    The core of ensure_completed was composed using helper lambdas like this:

    try {
        mylibrary::threads::safe_io_service safe_ios;
        boost::asio::io_service& ios = safe_ios;
        mylibrary::io::time::timer deadline(ios);
        bp::group process_group;
        bp::async_pipe input(ios);
        std::future<std::string> output, error;
        if (_working_directory.empty())
            _working_directory = ".";
        auto on_exit = [this, &deadline](int exit, std::error_code ec) {
            if (!_command_timed_out) {
                _exit_code = exit;
            if (ec) s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Child process returned " << ec.message();
            else    s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG)   << "Child process returned";
        auto launcher = [](auto&&... args) { return bp::child(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args).../*, bp::posix::fd.restrict_inherit()*/); };
        auto redirect_out = [&](auto f) {
            return [&,f](auto&&... args) {
                if (_discard_output) {
                    if (_redirected_output_fd != -1 && !_redirected_output_fname.empty()) {
                        s_logger.log(LOG_ERR) << "Ignoring output redirection with set_discard_output. This is a bug.";
                    return f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > bp::null, bp::std_err > bp::null);
                if (_redirected_output_fd != -1 && !_redirected_output_fname.empty()) {
                    s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Conflicting output redirection, ignoring filename with descriptor";
                if (_redirected_output_fd != -1) {
                    return f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::posix::fd.bind(1, _redirected_output_fd), bp::std_err > error);
                return _redirected_output_fname.empty()
                    ? f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > output,                   bp::std_err > error)
                    : f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > _redirected_output_fname, bp::std_err > error);
        bp::environment bp_env = boost::this_process::environment();
        for (auto& p : _env)
            bp_env[p.first] = p.second;
        auto c = redirect_out(launcher)(_command_path, _args,
                bp::std_in < input,
                ios, bp::on_exit(on_exit)
        if (_time_constraint) {
            deadline.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code ec) {
                if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) {
                    if (ec) {
                        s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Unexpected condition in CommandRunner deadline: " << ec.message();
                    _command_timed_out = true;
                    _exit_code = 1;
                    ::killpg(process_group.native_handle(), SIGTERM);
                    deadline.expires_from_now(3s); // grace time
                    deadline.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code ec) { if (!ec) process_group.terminate(); }); // timed out
        boost::asio::async_write(input, bp::buffer(_stdin_data), [&input](auto ec, auto bytes_written){
            if (ec) {
                s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Standard input rejected: " << ec.message() << " after " << bytes_written << " bytes written";
            may_fail([&] { input.close(); });
        if (output.valid()) _stdout_str = output.get();
        if (error.valid())  _stderr_str = error.get();
        // make sure no grand children survive
        if (process_group && process_group.joinable() && !process_group.wait_for(1s))
        // Note: even kills get the child reaped; 'on_exit' handler is
        // actually the 'on wait_pid() complete'). No need for c.wait()
        // in this scenario
        //// may_fail([&] { if (c.running()) c.wait(); }); // to avoid zombies
    } catch(bp::process_error const& e) {
        if (e.code().value() != static_cast<int>(std::errc::no_child_process)) throw;

    Full Self-Contained Listing

    This compiles, but doesn't have any public interface. Merely for expositional purposes.


    • this didn't go into production as there were cases in which the Boost implementation would get stuck in async IO operations. The reason for this has remained unclear, but I suspect it is a hairy case of epoll is fundamentally broken related to our use cases being "wildly" multi-threaded and forking.
    • this does not include our attempted workarounds for safe_io_service (that guarantees fork synchronization and notifications on all active io_services)
    • this does not include our patch that adds restricted FD inheritance:

      auto launcher = [](auto&&... args) { return 
           bp::posix::fd.restrict_inherit()); };
    • other crucial things like on-fork handlers for global (library) state have not been shown here (they used pthread_atfork and similar)

    Compiling On Coliru

    #include <boost/process.hpp>
    #include <boost/process/extend.hpp>
    #include <boost/process/async.hpp>
    #include <boost/process/posix.hpp>
    #include <boost/optional.hpp>
    #include <boost/asio/high_resolution_timer.hpp>
    #include <signal.h> // ::killpg
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <map>
    // mockups for standalone exposition
    //#include "log.h"
    struct DummyLogger {
        struct Tx {
            template <typename...Ts> friend Tx operator<<(Tx const&, Ts&&...) { return {}; }
        Tx log(LOG_LEVELS) { return {}; }
    } s_logger;
    //#include "safe_io_service.h"
    namespace mylibrary { 
        namespace threads {
            //this did manage fork notifications
            using safe_io_service = boost::asio::io_service;
        using boost::optional;
        namespace io { namespace time {
                using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
                using duration = clock::duration;
                using timer = boost::asio::high_resolution_timer;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using string_vector_t = std::vector<std::string>;
    using string_map_t = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
    class CommandRunner {
        public: struct IRunnerImpl;
    struct CommandRunner::IRunnerImpl {
        virtual ~IRunnerImpl() = default;
        virtual void run()                    = 0;
        virtual void ensure_completed()       = 0;
        virtual std::string to_string() const = 0;
        friend class CommandRunner;
        std::string            _working_directory;
        mylibrary::optional<mylibrary::io::time::duration> _time_constraint;
        std::string            _stdin_data;
        int                    _redirected_output_fd     = -1;
        std::string            _redirected_output_fname;
        bool                   _discard_output           = false;
        int                    _exit_code;
        std::string            _stdout_str;
        std::string            _stderr_str;
        bool                   _command_timed_out        = false;
        bool                   _sensitive_args           = false;
        string_map_t           _env;
    namespace {
        namespace bp = boost::process;
        template <typename F> static auto may_fail(F&& f) {
            try {
                return std::forward<F>(f)();
            } catch(std::exception const& e) {
                s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Ignoring non-fatal error (" << e.what() << ")";
            } catch(...) {
                s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Ignoring non-fatal, unspecified error";
    namespace mylibrary { namespace process { namespace with_boost {
        struct BoostRunnerImpl : CommandRunner::IRunnerImpl {
            BoostRunnerImpl(std::string cmd_path, string_vector_t args) :
            std::string _command_path;
            string_vector_t _args;
            virtual void run() override {
                if (_completed) {
                    s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "NOT running already completed command: " << *this;
            // implementation
            virtual void ensure_completed() override {
                if (_completed) return;
                // Log command and args
                s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Running command: " << *this;
                try {
                    try {
                        mylibrary::threads::safe_io_service safe_ios;
                        boost::asio::io_service& ios = safe_ios;
                        mylibrary::io::time::timer deadline(ios);
                        bp::group process_group;
                        bp::async_pipe input(ios);
                        std::future<std::string> output, error;
                        if (_working_directory.empty())
                            _working_directory = ".";
                        auto on_exit = [this, &deadline](int exit, std::error_code ec) {
                            if (!_command_timed_out) {
                                _exit_code = exit;
                            if (ec) s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Child process returned " << ec.message();
                            else    s_logger.log(LOG_DEBUG)   << "Child process returned";
                        auto launcher = [](auto&&... args) { return bp::child(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args).../*, bp::posix::fd.restrict_inherit()*/); };
                        auto redirect_out = [&](auto f) {
                            return [&,f](auto&&... args) {
                                if (_discard_output) {
                                    if (_redirected_output_fd != -1 && !_redirected_output_fname.empty()) {
                                        s_logger.log(LOG_ERR) << "Ignoring output redirection with set_discard_output. This is a bug.";
                                    return f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > bp::null, bp::std_err > bp::null);
                                if (_redirected_output_fd != -1 && !_redirected_output_fname.empty()) {
                                    s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Conflicting output redirection, ignoring filename with descriptor";
                                if (_redirected_output_fd != -1) {
                                    return f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::posix::fd.bind(1, _redirected_output_fd), bp::std_err > error);
                                return _redirected_output_fname.empty()
                                    ? f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > output,                   bp::std_err > error)
                                    : f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)..., bp::std_out > _redirected_output_fname, bp::std_err > error);
                        bp::environment bp_env = boost::this_process::environment();
                        for (auto& p : _env)
                            bp_env[p.first] = p.second;
                        auto c = redirect_out(launcher)(_command_path, _args,
                                bp::std_in < input,
                                ios, bp::on_exit(on_exit)
                        if (_time_constraint) {
                            deadline.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code ec) {
                                if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) {
                                    if (ec) {
                                        s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Unexpected condition in CommandRunner deadline: " << ec.message();
                                    _command_timed_out = true;
                                    _exit_code = 1;
                                    ::killpg(process_group.native_handle(), SIGTERM);
                                    deadline.expires_from_now(3s); // grace time
                                    deadline.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code ec) { if (!ec) process_group.terminate(); }); // timed out
                        boost::asio::async_write(input, bp::buffer(_stdin_data), [&input](auto ec, auto bytes_written){
                            if (ec) {
                                s_logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Standard input rejected: " << ec.message() << " after " << bytes_written << " bytes written";
                            may_fail([&] { input.close(); });
                        if (output.valid()) _stdout_str = output.get();
                        if (error.valid())  _stderr_str = error.get();
                        // make sure no grand children survive
                        if (process_group && process_group.joinable() && !process_group.wait_for(1s))
                        // Note: even kills get the child reaped; 'on_exit' handler is
                        // actually the 'on wait_pid() complete'). No need for c.wait()
                        // in this scenario
                        //// may_fail([&] { if (c.running()) c.wait(); }); // to avoid zombies
                    } catch(bp::process_error const& e) {
                        if (e.code().value() != static_cast<int>(std::errc::no_child_process)) throw;
                } catch(std::exception const& e) {
                    s_logger.log(LOG_ERR) << "CommandRunner: " << e.what();
                    _completed = true;
                    _exit_code = 1;
                } catch(...) {
                    s_logger.log(LOG_ERR) << "CommandRunner: unexpected error";
                    _completed = true;
                    _exit_code = 1;
                _completed = true;
            bool _completed = false;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, BoostRunnerImpl const& i) {
                os << i._command_path;
                if (i._sensitive_args)
                    os << " (" << i._args.size() << " args)";
                else for (auto& arg : i._args)
                    os << " " << std::quoted(arg);
                return os;
            virtual std::string to_string() const override {
                std::ostringstream oss;
                oss << *this;
                return oss.str();
    } } }
    int main(){}
    0 讨论(0)