I\'m trying to create some Open Graph Story with map attachment using iOS SDK and I\'m have some issues.
First of all I\'m having issues with the object creation...
The properties don't need to be prefixed by your appnamespace, and each ':' implies a new object or dictionary.
Try something like:
[openGraphObject setObject:@{@"latitude": [currentVenue locationLatitude],
@"longitude": [currentVenue locationLongitude]}
Your custom properties should be added in a dictionary named data
In my Facebook app I have an object (inheriting from Object) with a property named position
which is a geo_point.
This is the code I use to create the object:
NSMutableDictionary<FBOpenGraphObject> *object = [FBGraphObject openGraphObjectForPost];
object.provisionedForPost = YES;
object[ @"title"] = @"Title"; // for og:title
object[ @"type"] = @"my_namespace:my_object";
object[ @"data" ] = @{ @"position": @{ @"latitude": @55, @"longitude": @12 }};