Trying to get only Thursdays of 1 year back
using (var context = new Context1())
// Get 1 year back only Thursday
var oneYearEarlier = DateTime
LINQ will not recognize the second part of your query into SQL. You need to break your query up in order to perform the filter.
using (var context = new algoventurelab_db1Context())
// Go one year back from current date
var startDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1);
// This will get all dates in context greater than start date.
var query1 = (from c in context.Daily25Data
where c.Date >= startDate
select c).AsEnumerable();
//this will filter only thurdays
var query = from c in query1
where c.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday
select c).ToList();
This is a clever solution using EntityFunctions.DiffDays
from his post:
DateTime firstSunday = new DateTime(1753, 1, 7);
var bookings = from b in this.db.Bookings
where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(firstSunday, b.StartDateTime) % 7 == 1
select b;