I am working on setting up angular pagination on a table that I am creating.
I have worked through the docs. However, I am not seeing how to connect the paginatio
You can do this with a custom filter.
Add a Custom Filter to ngRepeat
You need to be able to tell the repeat which index is going to be the starting point for each page and how many items to include on the page. You can do this by creating a simple filter (I called it pages). This filter is going to use the currentPage and itemsPerPage values that you already set up in your controller.
<tr ng-repeat="drink in editableDrinkList | orderBy:'-date' | pages: currentPage : itemsPerPage">
Create the Custom Filter
To create a custom filter you pass in your name and then a factory function that returns a worker function. The worker function automatically receives the input array as its first value. The subsequent values are the ones you specified in your filter.
So the pages filter gets the input array and the two values passed to it (currentPage and pageSize). Then you'll just use Array.slice to return the new array to the repeat. Remember, filters are non-destructive. They aren't changing the actual scoped array. They are creating a new array for the repeat to use.
app.filter('pages', function() {
return function(input, currentPage, pageSize) {
//check if there is an array to work with so you don't get an error on the first digest
if(angular.isArray(input)) {
//arrays are 0-base, so subtract 1 from the currentPage value to calculate the slice start
var start = (currentPage-1)*pageSize;
//slice extracts up to, but not including, the element indexed at the end parameter,
//so just multiply the currentPage by the pageSize to get the end parameter
var end = currentPage*pageSize;
return input.slice(start, end);
Add the Pagination Directive to the Page
Here's the cleaned up version of the directive you'll add to your html. Don't use an kind of ngClick or ngChange on the pagination directive. ngModel is set to the currentPage variable so there's nothing else you have to do. Since currentPage is two-way bound via ngModel, when it changes the pagination directive will update as well as the pages filter, which will in turn update your repeated table rows.
It's that simple. If you want to see a working demo, check the Plunker.