Does anyone know how to resolve the following errors in the shinyserver.log
[33m[2017-10-05 21:38:28.591] [WARN] shiny-server - ESC[39mError han
This hasn't completely alleviated the problem, but it has helped immensely. I moved these values out from 60 and 5 to 360 and 1800 respectively.
3.3 Application Timeouts
Each Shiny Application has two timeouts associated with it:
app_init_timeout -- Describes the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for an application to start. After the specified number of seconds has elapsed, if the R process still has not become responsive, it will be deemed an unsuccessful startup and the connection will be closed. The default value for app_init_timeout is 60 seconds.
app_idle_timeout -- Defines the amount of time (in seconds) an R process with no active connections should remain open. After the last connection disconnects from an R process, this timer will start and, after the specified number of seconds, if no new connections have been created, the R process will be killed. The default value for app_idle_timeout is 5 seconds. Typically, these two parameters will be correlated. Shiny Applications that involve little processing to start (therefore have a small app_init_timeout) can often be closed with minimal concern (and thus would have a small app_idle_timeout). Conversely, applications that require a substantial amount of data to be loaded on startup may merit a longer app_init_timeout to give the data time to load, and a longer app_idle_timeout as the task of spawning a new process is more expensive and should be minimized.