As we know, the rest apis
of Elasticsearch returns json response
.But, I need CSV responses
from those apis.
This is somewhat difficult, because inherently - JSON is a hierarchical data structure, and CSV is not.
There isn't a trivial way of reducing one to the other as a result - anything you do will be custom.
However you can do something like:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP;
use JSON;
my $url =
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $agent->get($url);
if ( $response->code ) {
my $json = from_json( $response->content );
my @fields = sort keys %{ $json->{_source} };
#column headings
print join ",", @fields, "\n";
#column values
print join ",", @{ $json->{_source} }{@fields}, "\n";
It's a bit crude, and assumes that with _source
there's a flat key-value relationship. With multiple records you'd need to wrap it in a loop to print multiple - this is just an example with a single document.
It would be better - if at all possible - to change whatever is wanting the CSV, to handle a multi dimensional data format in the first place.
If you're open to use Logstash, then you can very easily do this with an elasticsearch input making the query and then a csv output for dumping the data into a CSV file. It'd look like this:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "your_index"
query => '{"query": {"match_all": {}}}'
output {
csv {
fields => ["field1", "field2", "field3"]
path => "/path/to/file.csv"
If you need to invoke this dynamically, you could generate this logstash configuration dynamically based on a query that you'd give as input to the shell script:
if [ -z "$LOGSTASH_HOME" ]; then
echo "WARNING: The LOGSTASH_HOME environment variable is not set!"
exit 0
LS_CONF="input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [\"localhost:9200\"]
index => 'megacorp'
query => '{\"query\":{\"query_string\": {\"query\": \"$1\"}}}'
output {
csv {
fields => [$2]
path => \"/path/to/file.csv\"
$LOGSTASH_HOME/bin/logstash -e "$LS_CONF"
Then you can invoke that script with the query my_field:123456
like this
./ "my_field:123456" "field1,field2,field3"
This will have the same effect as calling {{elasticUrl}}/_search?q=my_field:123456
and produce a CSV file with the columns field1,field2,field3