I have a page that includes a download button using jsPDF. On desktop machines it downloads the page as it should. However, pdf.save()
does not work on my table
Here is the solution of download on mobile with jspdf
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
var blob = pdf.output();
Here is the example if you're using the Cordova platform for your development:
The workaround of the pdf not being downloaded in the devices is to use cordova-plugin-file.
Use the output method on the doc that will give you the raw pdf which needs to be written & saved in a file.
For example,
var doc = new JsPDF();
//... some work with the object
var pdfOutput = doc.output("blob"); //returns the raw object of the pdf file
The pdfOutput is then written on an actual file by using the file plugin.
I had similar issue.
jsPDF won't download file on phones/ tablets / ipads using "pdf.save()".
Do it through File plugin if you are using cordova/phonegap, this will save pdf file in downloads folder (Android) - for the ios you can access pdf file through a path (which is saved somewhere in temp directory) and can send or share.
Hope this helps you.