I am currently using the following method to get a page of customers as well as the total count. The only problem is that I am making 2 database trips - one for getting the
I thought and research a lot on this issue. Right now and with EF 6, there are 2 good practices:
(1) The first solution is to have a Stored Procedure (I know, I Know, you usually want to avoid Stored Procedures when you work with EF, go to solution 2 then!), which returns multiple results. This article explained it:
Entity Framework Sprocs with Multiple Result Sets
(2) The second best practice is to use "Query Future" feature of Entity Framework Plus package. This is a very cool extension to Entity Framework and can run multiple queries in one database trip.
Depending on the cost of the database roundtrip and number of items coming back, it might be faster/easier to perform the base query once and do the paging/count operations on the c# server. i.e.
var results = (from c in e.Customers
where m.Name.Contains(name)
select new { c.CustomerId, c.NAME, c.CITY, c.STATE, c.COUNTRY })
.OrderBy(s => s.NAME)
.ThenBy(s => s.CITY)
.ThenBy(s => s.CustomerId)
totalCount = results.Count;
return results.Skip(skipCount).Take(pageSize).ToList();
This will only perform one database call, but won't perform the paging operations on the sql server.
Also take a look at this Better way to query a page of data and get total count in entity framework 4.1?