I am using datatables
option to control column widthcolumns.width
The width property is merely useful for overall relative widths. In your case you also have a word-wrap
issue. Define a CSS class and apply it to the column:
.px200 {
width: 200px;
max-width: 200px;
word-wrap: break-word;
columns: [{
data: 'name',
title: 'Long Name Issues',
className: 'px200', //<----
render: function(data) {
return '<span class="">'+ data + '</span>';
updated fiddle -> https://jsfiddle.net/bvgu0cL3/30/
Since you are wrapping the content into a <span>
you might consider adding a class to that <span>
instead of the <th>
and <td>
's which className
If you want total control over the widths, see this answer -> jQuery DataTables fixed size for ONE of the columns?
Based on answer from @davidkonrad Here is alternate approach.
UPDATE: I created a plugin which applies defined css in columns dataTables.colStyle.js
// init
columnStyle: true // init plugin
// use in columns like this
columns: [{
data: 'name',
title: 'Name',
css: {
'width': 200,
'min-width': 200,
'word-wrap': 'break-word',
'max-width': 200,
option and applies css
instead of classes
callback to do automation50px
to a column , it will still stretch so that title is in one line even if it has to exceed given width of 50px
working Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/bababalcksheep/bvgu0cL3/42/
More suggestions are required to make it more elegant
/* keep the damn titles in one line*/
.dataTable thead td,
.dataTable thead th {
white-space: pre;
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
"createdRow": function(row, data, index) {
var tableApi = this.api();
var columns = tableApi.settings().init().columns;
var tds = $(row).find('td');
tds.each(function(index) {
var $td = $(this);
var columnIndex = tableApi.column(this).index();
//var columnIndex = tableApi.cell(this).index().column;
var hasWidth = columns[columnIndex].width;
if (hasWidth) {
'width': hasWidth,
'max-width': hasWidth,
'min-width': hasWidth,//will enforce fixed width, skip if not required
'word-wrap': 'break-word'