I\'m using Protractor and cucumber framework; how do I break out of a .filter or .map loop? I do not want to continue to iterate further if I found a match!
What i understood from your post is, you would like to exit loop(iterate) when find a match element.
If yes, then better go with .filter() method. As it iterates on all available list of element finders and returns when a match finds.
Code Snippet:
element.all(by.css('.items li')).filter(function(elem, index) {
return elem.getText().then(function(text) {
if(text === 'RequiredElementFind'){
return ele;//return matched element
}).click();//only matched element comes from the loop do what would you like
to do
You are returning a single element, so .reduce
would be preferable.
Here is a usage example to return the first link where the text is "mylink":
var link = element.all(by.css('a')).reduce(function (result, elem, index) {
if(result) return result;
return elem.getText().then(function(text){
if(text === "mylink") return elem;
if(!result) throw new Error("Element not found");
return result;