This post is an effort to ask a more direct question related to my other recent post (Picking Out Simple Properties from Hierarchical JSON Part II):
Given nested JSO
How about something like this:
List<JObject> list =
.Where(jt => jt.Type == JTokenType.Property && ((JProperty)jt).Value.HasValues)
.Select(prop =>
var obj = new JObject(new JProperty("Name", prop.Name));
if (prop.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array)
var items = prop.Value.Children<JObject>()
.SelectMany(jo => jo.Properties())
.Where(jp => jp.Value.Type == JTokenType.String);
var parentName = prop.Ancestors()
.Where(jt => jt.Type == JTokenType.Property)
.Select(jt => ((JProperty)jt).Name)
obj.Add("Parent", parentName ?? "");
return obj;
If you're not that familiar with LINQ-to-JSON, here's how it breaks down:
Parse the json string into a JObject
From that JObject, get all of its descendant JTokens
Filter that list to only JProperties whose values have children
.Where(jt => jt.Type == JTokenType.Property && ((JProperty)jt).Value.HasValues)
Cast the JTokens to JProperties to make them easier to work with in the next step
Now, for each JProperty we selected, transform it as follows:
.Select(prop =>
Create a new JObject and add the JProperty's name as the Name
property of the new object
var obj = new JObject(new JProperty("Name", prop.Name));
If the value of the JProperty is an array...
if (prop.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array)
Get all the direct children of the array which are JObjects
var items = prop.Value.Children<JObject>()
From those JObjects, get all the JProperties
.SelectMany(jo => jo.Properties())
Filter those JProperties to include only the ones whose values are strings)
.Where(jp => jp.Value.Type == JTokenType.String);
Add these item JProperties to the new JObject we created earlier
Next, find the first ancestor JProperty of the current JProperty and get its name
var parentName = prop.Ancestors()
.Where(jt => jt.Type == JTokenType.Property)
.Select(jt => ((JProperty)jt).Name)
Add the parent name to the JObject we're are building; use an empty string if there was no parent
obj.Add("Parent", parentName ?? "");
Continue with the next transform
return obj;
Lastly put all the JObjects we built into a list.