I\'m trying to pair a vlookup with a max function. For some reason it only returns #ref every time I try to use it though.
My sheet looks like this:
If there's only one instance of each Product then you can use INDEX/MATCH
like this
=MAX(INDEX(C2:G100,MATCH("Prod 1",A2:A100,0),0))
Longer than Sid's suggestion but doesn't need CSE and might be more efficient if you only have a single match
If you have that formula in Z2, for example, you can use this version to get the location from row 1
=INDEX(C1:G1,MATCH(Z2,INDEX(C2:G100,MATCH("Prod 1",A2:A100,0),0),0))
Try this
This is an Array Formula. i.e you have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
You can have all in one cell using Vlookup and Max with a nested formula. For example at the top of the page:
A1 = Select the name of the product you want to find the max
A2= MAX(BUSCARV($A$1;$A$3:$F$11;3;FALSO);BUSCARV($A$1;$A$3:$F$11;4;FALSO)
It's long but you only have to type it once. With this formula we get all the different amounts in each column and then we ask for the maximum. It works if all the products are different. Change the name of the product and you'll find the MAX in the table.
Example Prod8
Prod8 41 ; If we change and you select in A1 Prod4 you'll get 70 and so on..
Prod1 id1 100 125 155 110
Prod2 50 25 20 75
Prod3 60 65 15 90
Prod4 70 12 50 43
Prod5 100 200 80 25
Prod6 20 28 40 40
Prod7 14 43 60 80
Prod8 22 33 15 41
Prod9 65 48 50 70
Select your range accordingly.
You also could include in A1 a match code to select the name of your products..