In my application a Lua script can subscribe to certain events from a Client. It is also possible to have one script subscribe to multiple Clients. Currently I am setting th
Lua doesn't have thread local variables built-in, but you could use a separate table for each Lua thread to store thread local variables, and figure out which thread is running using coroutine.running
(or lua_pushthread
in C). Then make it more convenient with metatables. Something like:
local _G, coroutine = _G, coroutine
local main_thread = coroutine.running() or {} -- returns nil in Lua 5.1
local thread_locals = setmetatable( { [main_thread]=_G }, { __mode="k" } )
local TL_meta = {}
function TL_meta:__index( k )
local th = coroutine.running() or main_thread
local t = thread_locals[ th ]
if t then
return t[ k ]
return _G[ k ]
function TL_meta:__newindex( k, v )
local th = coroutine.running() or main_thread
local t = thread_locals[ th ]
if not t then
t = setmetatable( { _G = _G }, { __index = _G } )
thread_locals[ th ] = t
t[ k ] = v
-- convenient access to thread local variables via the `TL` table:
TL = setmetatable( {}, TL_meta )
-- or make `TL` the default for globals lookup ...
if setfenv then
setfenv( 1, TL ) -- Lua 5.1
_ENV = TL -- Lua 5.2+
Lua threads are child states from a single mother state. All global variables are shared by these Lua threads.
Separate Lua states have separate globals.