I have big trouble with jsPDF since iOS7 exists. We developed a Web App and used jsPDF to create PDFs on-the-fly. We open the PDF in a new Safari window so that the user get
Have you tried using doc.output('dataurlnewwindow')
If that doesn't work, you could make a new route like /pdf/download?data=base64data...
and response the pdf there with Content-Type: application/pdf
and based on the given parameter data. Be sure to avoid possible security issues, so that no other one can provide pdfs with your url.
Got a solution!! Create a html file (eg pdf.html) and add
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
document.location.href = document.location.hash.substr(1);
Create a link
<a class="btn btn-default" id="pdfData" ng-show="isMobile && pdfReady" ref="app/views/pdf.html" target="xxx">
Download PDF
After you "rendered" your pdf get the datauristring
and add it to your link as hash.
var pdfData = doc.output('datauristring');
var element = document.getElementById('pdfData');
element.href = "app/views/pdf.html#" + pdfData;
element.target = "xxx";
$scope.pdfReady = true; // show download link
And now if the user clicks the download link a new window is opened in safari and the pdf get shown