I use the following code to receive the data from a particular port. It\'s not working in Android. But sending data to particular port is working fine.
Used Port numbers
Create Datagram packet
try {
mDataGramSocket = new DatagramSocket(Config.PORT_NUMBER);
} catch (SocketException e) {
Call below function through AsyncTask
Create Function to receive infinitely
public void receive() {
String text;
byte[] message = new byte[1500];
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(message, message.length);
try {
while (true) { // && counter < 100 TODO
// send to server omitted
try {
text = new String(message, 0, p.getLength());
// If you're not using an infinite loop:
} catch (SocketTimeoutException | NullPointerException e) {
// no response received after 1 second. continue sending
} catch (Exception e) {
// return "error:" + e.getMessage();
mReceiveTask.publish("error:" + e.getMessage());
// return "out";
If you are using the emulator you may need setup redirects, remember the emulator is behind a virtual router.
In other words, type these commands in;
telnet localhost 5554
redir add udp:9876:9876
and try again.