I am trying to understand how I can call a PL/SQL procedure which takes a SYS_REFCURSOR
as IN
Consider the foll
To me a java Class with individual cursor record fields , as it members and a Array of instances of this class seems the proper way to represent a plsql CURSOR.
I disagree.
If you have a stored function or procedure that either returns a ref cursor or has a ref cursor as an OUT
parameter, the ref cursor comes out of JDBC as a ResultSet
. So, if it were possible to call a stored procedure with a SYS_REFCURSOR
parameter, I'd suspect that a ResultSet
would be what you would need to pass.
In fact, my suspicions are confirmed. If you take a look at Oracle's extension to CallableStatement
, OracleCallableStatement, it inherits a setCursor(int, ResultSet) method from its superinterface OraclePreparedStatement
. Therefore, you could cast the CallableStatement
to OracleCallableStatement
, call the setCursor
method, and away you go.
Except this approach doesn't actually work.
If you try calling setCursor
on an OracleCallableStatement
, you will get an exception java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
You can try callingsetObject
with a ResultSet
, but you will only get another java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type
Here's a test class you can run to verify either case. It calls one stored procedure to get a ref cursor (and hence a ResultSet
) and then tries to pass it to the other:
import java.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement;
public class JavaRefCursorTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE", "user", "password");
try (CallableStatement cstmt1 = conn.prepareCall(
"{ call java_ref_curs_test.get_ref_cursor(?)}")) {
cstmt1.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
try (ResultSet rSet = (ResultSet)cstmt1.getObject(1)) {
try (CallableStatement cstmt2 = conn.prepareCall(
"{ call java_ref_curs_test.print_refcursor(?)}")) {
// Uncomment the next line to call setCursor:
// ((OracleCallableStatement)cstmt2).setCursor(1, rSet);
// Uncomment the next line to call setObject:
// cstmt2.setObject(1, rSet);
(The two procedures in the java_ref_curs_test
take a single SYS_REFCURSOR
parameter: get_ref_cursor
returns a ref cursor and print_refcursor
takes one as a parameter but does nothing with it.)
So, which setXXX
method should you use? I would say none of them. What you are asking for is not possible directly.
It may still be possible to call this procedure, but you will have to create the ref cursor in PL/SQL, not in Java, and then pass it to your procedure.
For example, I could use the following PL/SQL block to call the two procedures used in the above example:
You can fairly easily run this from JDBC: put it in a string and pass it to Statement.executeUpdate()