Trying to understand index signatures in TypeScript

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刺人心 2020-12-19 21:38

I think I basically got how index signatures work in TypeScript. However, there is one thing I don\'t get. Given the following sample code:

const sales: {[ k         

  • 2020-12-19 22:07

    This has been raised as a suggestion and has essentially been declined (although it is listed as "awaiting more feedback") because it is expected to cause more bugs than it would fix. You're right that the current situation is inconsistent and technically incorrect/unsound, but it is not one of TypeScript's goals to "apply a sound or 'provably correct' type system. Instead, [it should] strike a balance between correctness and productivity."

    TypeScript doesn't actually enforce every possible key matching the index to be present (so index signature properties are effectively optional), but it does enforce that any such key which is present has a defined value of the right type... this is one of the few places in TypeScript where missing and undefined are distinguished.

    As you noted, if you want your own index-signature types to behave the same as other optional properties (meaning that undefined is automatically a possible value), you can add | undefined to the property type. If you want existing index-signature types to behave this way (like Array), you'll have to fork your own copy of the standard library and do it for yourself. They won't do it upstream because it would make lots of people very sad to deal with this.

    If you really want to see this changed, you might want to visit the GitHub issue and comment or upvote, but I wouldn't hold my breath... your time is probably better spent moving past this (I speak from experience... I've had to do this several times when dealing with TypeScript's pragmatic inconsistencies.)

    I hope that helps. Good luck!

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  • 2020-12-19 22:10

    This is just an addition to the accepted answer, because it's totally right

    If your aim is to get compile time errors if you don't check if e.g. sales.d exists/is not undefined, you could implement your own interface here:

    interface SomeDictionary<T> {
      {[ key: string ]: T | undefined }
    const sales: SomeDictionary<number> = {
      a: 532,
      b: 798,
      c: 264
    // compile time error
    const result = sales.a + sales.b;
    // working
    if(sales.a !== undefined && sales.b !== undefined){
      const result = sales.a + sales.b;

    AFAIK there is no such built-in interface in typescript.

    I think index signatures (in your case) make sense if you want to iterate over the keys of an such an object:

    const sales: {[ key: string ]: number } = {
      a: 532,
      b: 798,
      c: 264
    let sum = 0;
    for(const key in Object.keys(sales)){
      sum = sum + sales[key];

    I assume there are much more uses cases which are not coming into my mind right now..

    To your side question: No, it's not (if you meant Record from here. Record<T> does not even compile, because it needs a second type argument. I would say Record's are not really related to your issue.

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