I want to implement select all checkbox into JSF h:datatable
. This is the code if the h:datatable
I have used this code to selectAll checkbox :
$(window).load(function () {
$(document).delegate(".checkall", "click", function(event) {
$(this).closest("table").find(':checkbox').attr('checked', this.checked);
it is working fine when I select/deselect checkbox in header then all the checkbox under that column are selected/deselected. But if again Iam selecting the same, then other checkboxes are not selected. .
You can do something like this
<h:column id="selection_column">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox class="checkall"/>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{SessionsController.selectedIds[item.aSessionID]}" />
in your js put this code
$(window).load(function () {
$(document).delegate(".checkall", "click", function(event) {
$(this).closest("table").find(':checkbox').attr('checked', this.checked);
b.t.w instead of storing in map you can add attribute to your iterated item
like this: instead of value="#{SessionsController.selectedIds[item.aSessionID]}"
something like this value="#{item.selected}"
and later on you can iterate over them in the server side and add to list that will be sent to you r delete method...
The selection is a client-side operation. So you can achieve that using JavaScript. An idea, is to add a specific CSS class to all the checkboxes that you want to select (it will then be easier to select them all):
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Select" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox styleClass="selectable-checkbox" onclick="highlight(this)" value="#{SessionsController.selectedIds[item.aSessionID]}" />
Then, you can simply use the following jQuery code to check all the elements with this specific CSS class: jQuery(".selectable-checkbox").attr("checked", true);
If you are not using jQuery, you can do the same thing, tuning a little bit the code shown here: How to Get Element By Class in JavaScript?
Regarding your Edit:
You want to have a button Select all
that deletes all the items in your table?
If you need to achieve that, rename this button to Delete all items
that will simply call a Java method (i.e. a classic <h:commandButton>
or <h:commandLink>
), without having to select checkboxes. What would be the interest of selecting the items, as you will delete them just after that?
For JSF 2 ,for selected all rows in datatable in selectionMode multiple with paginator=true: In Page
<p:dataTable widgetVar="tableArea" yourtags...>
<p:ajax event="toggleSelect" oncomplete="teste()" /> /// toggleSelect is dispared on click to checkbox header
<p:column id="columnId" selectionMode="multiple"/>
In js:
function teste(){
var checked = $(document).find(":checkbox")["0"].checked; ///Find checkbox header and verify if checkbox is checked
if(checked == true){
PF('tableArea').selectAllRows(); // if true, selectAllRows from datatable
} else {
PF('tableArea').unselectAllRows(); //