In my android app I want to have a MainActivity with a google map occupying the entire screen.
My problem is that the google map does not display a map, only the go
You need to enable google map api from google console for your project. And also you need to download json file from the console.
1. Go to google console
2. click on your project.
3. Click on library section from left menu panel. see below image
In google maps api, click on Google maps android api
Than enable that.
Now Goto firebase console
Click on your project and goto project settings and download the json file.
Add that json file in your application.
Add this permissions to menifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
OR Check in google console is API ENABLED
OR Check your google_api_key