When you right click on WebBrowser control, the standard IE context menu with options such as \"Back\", \"View Source\", etc. appears.
How do I make my own ContextMe
A lot of the other solutions on this site made it sound like this was very difficult to do because it was a COM object... and recommended adding a new class "ExtendedWebBrowser". For this task, it turns out to be pretty simple.
In your code which adds a web browser control, add the DocumentCompleted event handler.
WebBrowser webBrowser1 = new WebBrowser();
webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted +=new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted);
Define these event handlers (change contextMenuStrip to match name of the one you created).
void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
WebBrowser browser = (WebBrowser) sender;
browser.Document.ContextMenuShowing += new HtmlElementEventHandler(Document_ContextMenuShowing);
void Document_ContextMenuShowing(object sender, HtmlElementEventArgs e)
// If shift is held when right clicking we show the default IE control.
e.ReturnValue = e.ShiftKeyPressed; // Only shows ContextMenu if shift key is pressed.
// If shift wasn't held, we show our own ContextMenuStrip
if (!e.ReturnValue)
// All the MousePosition events seemed returned the offset from the form. But, was then showed relative to Screen.
contextMenuStripHtmlRightClick.Show(this, this.Location.X + e.MousePosition.X, this.Location.Y + e.MousePosition.Y); // make it offset of form
Note: my override does the following: * if shift is held down when you right click it shows IE return value. * Otherwise it shows the contextMenuStripHtmlRightClick (definition not shown in this example)