I have a form, which sets these styles in constructor:
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
I've found the function which can paint and resize window at the same time - UpdateLayeredWindow.
So now it should be possible to create resizable windows, which do not have any strips while being resized. However, you need to paint the window content yourself, so it is a little inconvenient. But I think that using WPF
and UpdateLayeredWindow
, there shouldn't be any problem.
Found problems. :-) When using UpdateLayeredWindow
, you must paint the window's border yourself. So, if you want standard window painted using UpdateLayeredWindow
with nice glass effect in win7, you are screwed.
On Microsft Connect is even a thread about this problem, where Microsoft says it is a bug by design, and if it ever gets fixed, then probably in Win8 or some newer system. So there isn't much we could do about this.
I found that it is best not to do any custom rendering directly on the Form surface. Instead, put a docked PictureBox on the form, create Bitmap object that will be displayed in the PictureBox, draw everything onto that using the System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(Image)
I used that method with a game loop to make a simple shooter game (Crimsonland-style) and got pretty good performance (with anti-aliased lines), above 100 FPS.