plot of an empirical cumulative distribution function (was Percentile plot)

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-19 19:16

How can I generate a plot like the following in R.


It shows the perce

  • 2020-12-19 19:32

    y <- c(rnorm(8000, 300, 10), rnorm(400, 500, 300) )

    t2 <- quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 99.99, by=.1)/100)

    plot(t2, xlab="promille ", ylab="time (ms)",pch=20)

    gives me:

    enter image description here

    whit my dataset

    enter image description here

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  • 2020-12-19 19:53

    Methinks you want a plot of an empirical cumulative distribution function.

    So take a look at the documentation for ecdf() as well as the more featureful Ecdf() in the CRAN package Hmisc.

    Hmisc Ecdf example: ExecTm array of execution times, HttpProvCall array of time it took to call downstream system and we compare the time we spend with the downstream system with percentiles

    > library(Hmisc)
    > x <- c(ExecTm,ExecTm-HttpProvCall)
    > g <- c(rep('ExecTm',length(ExecTm)),rep('ExecTm-HttpProvCall',length(ExecTm)))
    > Ecdf(x, group=g, xlab='Test Results', 
    +     label.curves=list(keys=1:2),q=c(.90,.95,.98))

    enter image description here

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