Styling d3´s tooltip

前端 未结 2 1698
北海茫月 2020-12-19 18:56

I implement a tooltip over circles placed through d3 on a leafletmap like this:

var tooltip =\"body\")
    .attr(\"id\", \"my         

  • 2020-12-19 19:07

    You can style the tooltip with CSS. You could do that in a separate .css file, in a <style> tag, or with d3 the same way you give the tooltip visibility. Something like .style("background", "rgba(179, 107, 0, 0.5)")

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  • 2020-12-19 19:11

    This is what I like to do. First, I set the CSS style for the tooltip, using a div with a class named "tooltip":

    div.tooltip {   
        position: absolute;         

    Then I set a tooltip var (here, svgId is the ID of the element where you append your SVG, not much different of selecting "body" as you did):

    var tooltip ="#svgId").append("div") 
        .attr("class", "tooltip")               
        .style("opacity", 0);

    The div has 0 opacity. Then it's just a matter of showing the tooltip on mouseover or mousemove:

    selection.on("mousemove", function(d) {
        tooltip.html("<strong> Look, I'm bold !</strong> and now I'm not bold<br>
            and this is another line!and this is my data: " + d.whatever)
            .style('top', d3.event.pageY - 12 + 'px')
            .style('left', d3.event.pageX + 25 + 'px')
            .style("opacity", 1);

    You can use HTML tags to style your text inside the tooltip, making it bold, italic etc. And, finally, we make the tooltip disappear on mouseout (as you did):

    selection.on("mouseout", function(d) {"opacity", 0);

    Since the div with 0 opacity still takes space in the page, a better approach is changing its display property from none to block during the mouseover, and back to none in the mouse out.

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