I have a TTS program (Third Party) and I wrote a c# application that uses that program. (Type into my application and press a button to move the mouse and click on the Third
You could check whether the application emits sounds. Take a look at this: Getting individual windows application current volume output level as visualized in audio Mixer
You could use CSCore.
Download it right here -> https://github.com/filoe/cscore
Paste these lines on a console project.
using System;
using CSCore.CoreAudioAPI;
namespace AudioDetector
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static MMDevice GetDefaultRenderDevice()
using (var enumerator = new MMDeviceEnumerator())
return enumerator.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Console);
public static bool IsAudioPlaying(MMDevice device)
using (var meter = AudioMeterInformation.FromDevice(device))
return meter.PeakValue > 0;
Play a music be it on YouTube, Music Player, etc...
Run the program.
It automatically notifies(true/false) if there is an audio currently being played or not.
You can do this by using a wrapper around Direct X. There are many examples, just google for it. For example, C# code can be found here or here.