I am in the process of converting my site with many static html pages to a site driven by a database. My problem is that I don\'t want to lose what google has already indexe
I would recommend you to look into the Apache URL Rewriting Guide, it contains extensive information about rewriting with examples.
If I understand you correctly, you should be able to use something like this
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/?page=$1 [L]
Which is very similar code to the one you posted. If you want better information, be specific about your problem.
There's no need for so many lines, it only complicates things.
All you need is 2 lines in .htaccess
rewriteengine on
#rewriterule-: ar1 path =relative. ar2 if relative, that to rewritebase.
rewriterule !^foo/bar/index\.php$ /foo/bar/index.php
#..assert ar1 dismatches correct url
You can output the first input of rewriterule in PHP using:
That will give you all the power and allow you to do all things. Simply parse $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]
manually and you can echo
totally different pages depending on the value of $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]
Sec bugs
Note that your server may do pathing or buggy pathing before rewriterule. (You can't override this behavior without server privileges.) Eg if the user visits /foo////
you may only see /foo/
or /foo
. And eg if the user visits ///foo
you may only see /foo
. And eg if the user visits /a/../foo
you may only see /foo
. And eg if the user visits /a//b/../../foo
you may only see /foo
or /a/foo
[because buggy production servers treat multiple /
as distinct in the context of ..
, no kidding].
With circuit break
Rewrite circuit breaks on cin identical to htaccess∙parentfolder∙relative interpreted rewriterule∙arg2. (First off, personally I'd disable circuit breaks to reduce rule complexity but there seems to be no way to do so.)
Circuit-break solution:
rewriteengine on
#rewriterule-: ar1 path =relative. ar2 if relative, that to rewritebase.
rewriterule ^ /foo/bar/index.php
#..circuit-breaking, so assert ar2 if absolute, htaccess parentfolder =root, else, htaccess parentfolder not in interpreted ar2.
Circuit break and rewritebase undesigned use
Circuit break needs either of:
So when that folder ≠ root, circuit break needs arg2 ⇌ relative. when arg2 ⇌ relative, circuit break needs⎾that folder ⇌ not in interpreted arg2⏋.
Say we need circuit break and a htaccess parentfolder that's in interpreted arg2, so we edit arg2 via rewritebase:
rewriteengine on
#rewriterule-: ar1 path =relative. ar2 if relative, that to rewritebase.
rewriterule ^ bar/index.php
#..circuit-breaking, so assert ar2 if absolute, htaccess parentfolder =root, else, htaccess parentfolder not in interpreted ar2.
rewritebase /foo
#..needs to be absolute [</> starting]. pathing [eg </../a/..> and </../..///ran/dom-f/oobar/./././../../..////////.//.>] allowed