I need to detect a shake movement on a Windows Phone 8 device, in order to launch a specific action. How can I do that ?
I found several mentions of a \"ShakeGesture
That's odd. Looks like the AppHub to DevCenter rename broke the download links.
I've uploaded the library to my domain in the meanwhile until those links get fixed @ http://JustinAngel.net/Storage/ShakeGestures.zip
Download ShakeGestureLibraryCS from Windows Phone Developer Samples: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/wpapps/Shake-Gesture-Library-04c82d5f
Download C# project and Build (for Release) to create the 'ShakeGestures.dll'
Add Reference to your WindowsPhone project.
Here's an example on how to use the Shake Gesture Library:
You should be able to add a reference to the ShakeGestures.dll assembly to get started. If you're using the Windows Phone 8 SDK, I believe this library is included - you'll just need to add the reference.
You should be able to download it with this link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=219094
I found that here. If you scroll down to "Locations and Sensors" about 2/3 of the way down, there's a link to download the gesture library as well as an example.
Hmm. It appears that download link was the sample project. The ShakeGestures.dll doesn't seem to be in it either. I don't have VS2012 on my computer here at work, but if you do, you could open up the sample solution and see if it is referencing that DLL somehow, and maybe see where it points? It seems like it has to be using it...I just can't open it in VS2010.