Can this be expressed in point free style?

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心在旅途 2020-12-19 16:46

Given the following expression to sum an IEnumerable of numbers:

let sum l = l |> Seq.reduce(+)  //version a

is it possible to eliminate

  • 2020-12-19 17:21

    "Eta conversion" simply means adding or removing the argument. The problem you are hitting is called value restriction. In ML languages, a value declared as a value, ie. declared without explicit arguments, cannot have a generic type, even if it has a function type. Here is some relevant literature. The idea is to prevent a ref cell from holding values of different types. For example, without value restriction, the following program would be allowed:

    let f : 'a -> 'a option =
        let r = ref None
        fun x ->
            let old = !r
            r := Some x
    f 3           // r := Some 3; returns None : int option
    f "t"         // r := Some "t"; returns Some 3 : string option!!!

    As kvb said, if you do not intend the function to be generic, then you can add a type signature and use point-free style.

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  • 2020-12-19 17:24

    A point-free function is a value.
    As other answers say, F# does not allow generic values. However, it perfectly allows generic functions. Let's convert sum into a function by adding a fake unit parameter:

    let sum_attempt1() = Seq.reduce (+)
    let v1 = [1.0; 2.0]     |> sum()    // float
    // inferred by first usage:
    // val sum_attempt1: unit -> (seq<float> -> float)

    This works, although it is not yet generic. Marking the function inline does the trick:

    let inline sum() = Seq.reduce (+)
    // val sum: unit -> (seq<'a> -> 'a)
    // Use
    let v1 = [1; 2]         |> sum()    // int
    let v2 = [1.0; 2.0]     |> sum()    // float
    let v3 = ["foo"; "bar"] |> sum()    // string
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  • 2020-12-19 17:30

    You can do it in point free style, but you need to add a (monomorphic) type annotation:

    let sum : int seq -> int = Seq.reduce (+)
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