I am having a terrible problem with crystal report 2010 for .net 4.0 (I am using the fixed 13.0.1 version but 13.0.4 is released). No matter which way I try, I am always get
create the parameter but do not assign it a formula using selection formula -> record. Apply this parameter from vb or c#.net IDE by creating a text box,a label and a button. Put the selection formula on click button procedure.
Finally found the solution. It doesn't prompt if we set the DataSource
after the ParameterValue
So anyone of those will work if we put them in this order:
// First, call SetParameterValue. Then, call SetDatasource.
CustomerReport1.SetParameterValue("PathLocation", Location.Text);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CustomerReport1;
Thank you all.