JPA - Unknown entity bean class

前端 未结 5 1767
不知归路 2020-12-19 13:59

Hopefully, I can explain this issue properly. I have 3 classes that deals with my entities.

public abstract class Swab implements ISwab {

  • 2020-12-19 14:21

    I solved this issue creating a ContextListener in to my Web App, invoking the close of the entity manager factory at destroy context, :

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {
        try {
            LifeCycleManager lifeCycleManager = ServiceLocator.getLifeCycleManager();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    I also create a bean with name LifeCycleManager and inside them invoke a DAO method to close the entity manager factory:

    public void closeEntityManagerFactory() throws BusinessException {
            try {
      "closing entity manager factory...");
      "Entity manager factiry closed");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new BusinessException(BusinessErrorCode.CODIGO_EJEMPLO_01, Severity.ERROR);

    Inside the DAO:


    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;


    public void closeEntityManagerFactory() {
  "closing entity manager factory");
  "entity manager factory closed");   

    Using this each time I deploy a change from my eclipse environment the destroy context is invoked. I hope could help you guys, my environment is WebLogic Server 11gR1 and JPA 1.0.

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  • 2020-12-19 14:27

    According to the error message and what I figure from your code, the error seems to be in the persistence.xml file, can you be a bit more verbose ?

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  • 2020-12-19 14:32

    define this entity in class tag inside the persistence.xml

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  • 2020-12-19 14:35

    I had the same error and, complementing the information above, my case was a ClassLoader issue. My app has three files. A ejb-module.jar which depends on app-lib.jar (library that contains pojo and database entities) and a web-module.war which depends on app-lib.jar.

    In the deployment, the app-lib.jar was loaded twice by the glassfish. Googling, I found out that I should copy the app-lib.jar to a "shared" lib in the glassfish domain. I've copied the postgresql.jar to "domain-dir/lib" and my app-lib.jar to "domain-dir/lib/applibs". Have it done, the app worked like a charm.

    The used explanation can be found here:

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-19 14:42

    Mario was right when he mentions EntityManagerFactory here.


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity bean class...


    java.lang.IllegalStateException: This web container has not yet been started...

    These exceptions occur when you redeploy a web application multiple times but didn't close EntityManagerFactory properly.

    follow this instruction to register ServletContextListener and this instruction to close EntityManagerFactory properly.

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