My model has a SlugField. When I try to save an instance of this model with the slug field set to a string which is longer than the field\'s max_length
You can just add something in your view that tests to see if the slug will be >50 characters, and if so truncates it.
if len(content) >50:
content = content[:50]
slug = content
Either install south and resize the column (best option), or create a pre_save signal and add code to truncate the field to 50 characters before it is saved. Something like:
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from app.model import mymodel
def truncater(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if sender is mymodel:
if len(instance.fieldname)>50:
instance.fieldname = instance.fieldname[:50]
pre_save.connect(truncater, sender=mymodel)