I\'m trying to find which action is triggered by a UIGestureRecognizer on which target. Unfortunately there is no property on a UIGestureRecognizer
such as
I have a different solution to this which has worked for me. This is more of a design change... you cannot access the target from the captured gesture. So instead keep a reference to the object when the touch down happened and before the pan began.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIButton *myTouchedButton; // reference to button
[card.button addTarget:self action:@selector(cardTouchDownInside:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
NSLog(@"touch down on object");
self.myTouchedButton = (UIButton*)sender;
Here's a code snippet that will list all target/action pairs associated with a gesture recognizer:
Ivar targetsIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([UIGestureRecognizer class], "_targets");
id targetActionPairs = object_getIvar(gesture, targetsIvar);
Class targetActionPairClass = NSClassFromString(@"UIGestureRecognizerTarget");
Ivar targetIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(targetActionPairClass, "_target");
Ivar actionIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(targetActionPairClass, "_action");
for (id targetActionPair in targetActionPairs)
id target = object_getIvar(targetActionPair, targetIvar);
SEL action = (__bridge void *)object_getIvar(targetActionPair, actionIvar);
NSLog(@"target=%@; action=%@", target, NSStringFromSelector(action));
Note that you'll have to import <objc/runtime.h>
, and that this uses private ivars and a class, so it could get you banned from the App Store.