I have 4 different queries and each of them return individual unique set of Results. I need to combine the Query Results with using a single query.
my sample queries
I assume you want your example to return a single row combining the corresponding entries from all these tables. Try this and tell us if it worked:
select * from users as usr
left outer join (calls as cls
inner join calls_users as clsusr
on cls.id = clsusr.call_id)
on usr.id = cls.assigned_user_id
left outer join (meetings as mtn
inner join meetings_users as mtnusr
on mtn.id = mtnusr.meeting_id)
on usr.id = mtn.assigned_user_id
left outer join tasks as tsk
on usr.id = tsk.assigned_user_id
left outer join (notes as nts
inner join accounts as acnts
on acnts.id=nts.parent_id)
on usr.id = acnts.assigned_user_id
where user.id = 'seed_max_id'
The best you can do is a UNION or UNION ALL but this requires them to have the same type and number of columns. For example:
SELECT 'Customer' AS type, id, name FROM customer
SELECT 'Supplier', id, name FROM supplier
SELECT 'Employee', id, full_name FROM employee
The column names don't have to match. The aliases from the first part will be used for the rest.
I'll also add that instead of:
select cls.* from (calls as cls inner join calls_users as clsusr on cls.id=clsusr.call_id) inner join users as usr on usr.id=cls.assigned_user_id where cls.assigned_user_id='seed_max_id'
you should remove the unnecessary subquery and just do:
FROM calls c
JOIN calls_users cu ONc.id = cu.call_id
WHERE c.assigned_user_id = 'seed_max_id'
There's no need for the extra complexity and the above is eminently more readable.