The following Code
String s = \"\";
//936 * 5 = 4680 characters
for (int i = 0; i < 937; i++){
s += \"1234 \";
I can reproduce this as well, under Windows 7. It looks like a limitation due to the OS in SWT, and it seems to have been around for a very long time (2002). It's marked as WONTFIX. See GC#drawString, drawText don't render more than 10923 characters per line correctly. So this is a known bug.
The workaround is to go to the Workspace->Preferences->Run/Debug->Console and set the Fixed width console to be something like 4000 chars. This will wrap your lines after 4000 characters, which is a pain, but at least you'll get all of your output.
I have tried Galileo (3.5), Helios (3.6) and Indigo (3.7), and all exhibit the behaviour, but wierdly, Galileo & Helios have a limit = 818 (4090 chars) and Indigo = 936 (4680) chars as the OP said. The 4090 makes me think of a OS limit (the next would be 4090 + 5 + crlf, > 4096), which matches with the bugs raised in Eclipse/SWT. I can't explain why there is a difference in the number of characters accepted. I can only suggest that it's something in the OS.
There are a number of duplicate bugs raised in Eclipse:
Everything seems to have been a consequence of: Bug 11601 - console hangs while displaying long strings without crlf