I have a list of urls to process, but I want to run a maximum number of goroutines at a time. For example, if I have 30 urls, I only want 10 goroutines working in parallel.<
Create the desired number of workers instead of one worker per url:
parallel := flag.Int("parallel", 10, "max parallel requests allowed")
// Workers get URLs from this channel
urls := make(chan string)
// Feed the workers with URLs
go func() {
for _, u := range flag.Args() {
urls <- u
// Workers will exit from range loop when channel is closed
var wg sync.WaitGroup
client := rest.Client{}
results := make(chan string)
// Start the specified number of workers.
for i := 0; i < *parallel; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for url := range urls {
worker(url, client, results)
// When workers are done, close results so that main will exit.
go func() {
for res := range results {