I have problem with xampp (Windows) where I have session_start();
in my file but it like drops that request...
When I try to access page with loca
I have XAMPP with PHP7 and the same problem...
I've changed in php.ini: session.use_only_cookies from 0 to 1 and all works.
In my case, Windows Event Viewer showed more useful data. It pointed to VCRUNTIME140.dll constantly crashing Apache (which caused the console to show ERR_CONNECTION_RESET), so I updated libraries to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=52685 - then, it showed faulting module as php7ts.dll - so I've followed instructions from http://ibraransari.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-to-solve-apache-crash-fault-module.html and I was good to go.
I reinstalled xampp with older PHP Version...
Looks like culprit was PHP 7.0.0
EDIT: Found something probably linked to it https://community.apachefriends.org/viewtopic.php?p=248070&sid=0b7559defe15317f41699d1ce9194e3f
EDIT2: Found this (bitnami developers)
we have been checking the configuration of XAMPP and we found that the issue is related to the use_only_cookies variable that you can find in the Session's section of the php.ini file. Apache will crash if the use_only_cookies variable in the Session's section is set to 0 and everything is fine if it's set to 1.
We also checked that the use_strict_mode should be set to 1.
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/strict_sessions http://php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.use-strict-mode
We'll include those changes in the next version of XAMPP with PHP 7. We are building the installers with the version 7.0.2 and we'll release them as soon as possible.