I have MongoDB collection of documents containing several fields. One of the columns/fields should be numeric only, but some of these fields contain non-numerical (corrupt)
This works for me
$options = ['limit' => 100,'skip' => 0, 'projection' => ['score' => ['$meta' => 'textScore']], 'sort' => ['score' => ['$meta' => 'textScore']]];
with PHP driver (mongodb)
using findOne()
$options = ['sort' => ['age' => -1]]; // -1 is for DESC
$result = $collection->findOne(filter, $options);
$maxAge = $result['age']
You can use the $type operator with $not in your query to exclude docs where age
is a string. In the shell your query would look like:
db.test.find({age: {$not: {$type: 2}}}).sort({age: -1}).limit(1)
Or in PHP from Martti:
$cursor = $collection->find(array('age' => array('$not' => array('$type' => 2))), array('age' => 1));
$cursor->sort(array('price' => -1))->limit(1);
You can use aggregate function to get maximum number from collections like this.
( '$group'=>