I\'m working on an application that holds its data in an external MySQL server, but caches it locally using Core Data for better response times. Basically, what I\'d like to
just have your problem and yes apparently using notifications is the unique way you can make a tableview refresh when the table used a nsfetchedresults controller.
like in the core databooks sample:
step1: add an observer to the NSNotificationCenter for the notification NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification
step2: save your context (the notification trigger to your selector)
step3: in your selector method: merge the changes in the context using the method mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification
step4: remove the observer from the notification center.
Personally I would like to bypass the notification certer and only tell the context refresh yourself dammit :)
I found out my issue was not that the objects weren't updating, but that the NSFetchedResultsController instance I had wasn't updating its section index titles properly, and I therefore couldn't see the results in my UITableView.
Updating a managed object context from a fetched results controller does update the controller's result object set.