I like to raise 404 with some error message at different places in the script eg: Http404(\"some error msg: %s\" %msg)
So, in my urls.py I included:
In general, 404 error is "page not found" error - it should not have customizable messages, simply because it should be raised only when a page is not found.
You can return a TemplateResponse with status parameter set to 404
if you want to raise some sort of static messages for a particular view , you can do as follows:-
from django.http import Http404
def my_view(request):
raise Http404("The link seems to be broken")
I figured out a solution for Django 2.2 (2019) after a lot of the middleware changed. It is very similar to Muhammed's answer from 2013. So here it is:
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
class CustomHTTP404Middleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
# One-time configuration and initialization.
def __call__(self, request):
# Code to be executed for each request before the view (and later middleware) are called.
response = self.get_response(request)
# Code to be executed for each request/response after the view is called.
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
if isinstance(exception, Http404):
message = f"""
User: {request.user},
Referrer: {request.META.get('HTTP_REFERRER', 'no referrer')}
exception.args = (message,)
Also, add this last to your middleware in settings.py: 'app.middleware.http404.CustomHTTP404Middleware',
In my case, I wanted to take some action (e.g. logging) before returning a custom 404 page. Here is the 404 handler that does it.
def my_handler404(request, exception):
logger.info(f'404-not-found for user {request.user} on url {request.path}')
return HttpResponseNotFound(render(request, "shared/404.html"))
Note that HttpResponseNotFound
is required. Otherwise, the response's HTTP status code is 200.
Raise an Http404
exception inside a view. It's usually done when you catch a DoesNotExist
exception. For example:
from django.http import Http404
def article_view(request, slug):
entry = Article.objects.get(slug=slug)
except Article.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404()
return render(request, 'news/article.html', {'article': entry, })
Even better, use get_object_or_404 shortcut:
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
def article_view(request):
article = get_object_or_404(MyModel, pk=1)
return render(request, 'news/article.html', {'article': entry, })
If you'd like to customize the default 404 Page not found
response, put your own template called 404.html
to the templates
Yes we can show specific exception message when raise Http404.
Pass some exception message like this
raise Http404('Any kind of message ')
Add 404.html page into templates directory.