I would say that you should make a separate table of entries, and instead of calling datatable.Rows.Remove(rows), add the row "rows" to this other table. Then, whenever row or rows iterates, you run an if statement to check if its been "deleted", i.e., in the list of deleted rows. After the enumeration is over, you can then delete those rows permanently from the table.
Here's the code implementation:
DataTable duplicates = dataTable;
duplicates.Rows.Clear(); /* Produces an empty duplicate of the
dataTable table to put the duplicates in */
foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
if (!duplicates.Rows.Contains(row))
temp = row[0].ToString();
foreach (DataRow rows in dataTable.Rows)
if (temp == rows[0].ToString()&&!duplicates.Rows.Contains(rows)) //need unique key
tempdatatable.DefaultView.Sort = "gscitations DESC";
dataGridView1.DataSource = tempdatatable;
foreach (DataRow row in duplicates.Rows)
if you don't have a unique key, you can try switching !duplicates.Rows.Contains(/*specific row*/)
for duplicates.Rows.IndexOf(/*specific row*/)>0
. That should provide an adequate substitute.