I have a set of data which is split into two arrays (let\'s call them data
and keys
). That is, for any given item with an index i
, I c
Create a vector of objects that contain indices to the two arrays. Define operator<
for that object to do the comparison based on keys[index]
. Sort that vector. When you're done, walk through that vector and put your original objects into the order defined by those proxy objects:
// warning: untested code.
struct sort_proxy {
size_t i;
bool operator<(sort_proxy const &other) const {
return keys[i] < keys[other.i];
// ... key_size = number of keys/data items.
std::vector<sort_proxy> proxies(key_size);
for (i=0; i<keys_size; i++)
proxies[i].i = i;
std::sort(proxies.begin(), proxies.end());
// in-place reordering left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
for (int i=0; i<proxies[i].size(); i++) {
result_keys[i] = keys[proxies[i].i];
result_data[i] = data[proxies[i].i];