How can I run a jquery function only on @media screen
I have a screen.css
stylesheet and a print.css
Any script would be ran when the page loads, so using if ('only screen')) {$('h1').text('media screen');}
is pointless as it runs your script while you're on @media screen
Instead, you have to detect whenever the media query changes, and change the page accordingly. You could use something like enquire.js to do so easily:
// This is just an example, be more creative!
enquire.register("screen", {
match: function() {
unmatch: function() {
I think you could use Modernizr. Although, there must be a native way to do it in javascript.
I have never tried it but it is something like this:
if ('only screen'))
beware with old browsers not supporting media queries.
In latest browsers you can use matchesMedia:
if (window.matchMedia("screen").matches) {
If you want to support older browsers too you can use a polyfill like matchMedia.js