I am attempting to create a program in python that plays a particular harpsichord note when a certain key is pressed. I want it to remain responsive so you can continue to
I checked out pygame like J.F Sebastian suggested. It ended up being exactly what I needed. I used pygame.mixer.Sound() in conjunction with pygame.mixer.set_num_channels(). Here's what I came up with.
import pygame as pg
import time
a1Note = pg.mixer.Sound("F:\Project Harpsichord\The wavs\A1.wav")
a2Note = pg.mixer.Sound("F:\Project Harpsichord\The wavs\A0.wav")
for i in range(25):
This doesn't really solve your problem, but it's too long for the comments, and it may be useful. I gave it a bash, got defeated on a few fronts - giving up and going for pizza. Audio is really not my thing, but it was quite a lot of fun playing around with it.
Give Pydub a look. I've Played around with a couple of methods, but haven't had any satisfactory success. This answer here explains quite a few things regarding adding two signals together nicely. I assume that the static you have is because of clipping.
Sorry that I didn't deliver, but I may as well post all the things I've created in case you or someone else wants to grab something from it:
#using python 2.7
#example animal sounds from http://www.wavsource.com/animals/animals.htm
#note that those sounds have lots of different sampling rates and encoding types. Causes problems.
#required installs:
#pyaudio -sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio
#pydub: -pip install pydub
def example():
"example sounds and random inputs"
sExampleSoundsDir = "/home/roman/All/Code/sound_files"
sExampleFile1 = 'bird.wav'
sExampleFile2 = 'frog.wav'
oJ = Jurgenmeister(sExampleSoundsDir)
#load audio into numpy array
dSound1 = oJ.audio2array(sExampleFile1)
dSound2 = oJ.audio2array(sExampleFile2)
#Simply adding the arrays is noisy...
dResSound1 = oJ.resample(dSound1)
dResSound2 = oJ.resample(dSound2)
dJoined = oJ.add_sounds(dResSound1, dResSound2)
#pydub method
oJ.overlay_sounds(sExampleFile1, sExampleFile2)
#listen to the audio - mixed success with these sounds.
#see what the waveform looks like
class Jurgenmeister:
Methods to play as many sounds on command as necessary
Named in honour of op, and its as good a name as I can come up with myself.
def __init__(self, sSoundsDir):
import os
import random
lAllSounds = os.listdir(sSoundsDir)
self.sSoundsDir = sSoundsDir
self.lAllSounds = lAllSounds
self.sRandSoundName = lAllSounds[random.randint(0, len(lAllSounds)-1)]
def play_wave(self, sFileName):
"""PyAudio play a wave file."""
import pyaudio
import wave
iChunk = 1024
sDir = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, sFileName)
oWave = wave.open(sDir, 'rb')
oPyaudio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
oStream = oPyaudio.open(
format = oPyaudio.get_format_from_width(oWave.getsampwidth()),
channels = oWave.getnchannels(),
rate = oWave.getframerate(),
output = True
sData = oWave.readframes(iChunk)
while sData != '':
sData = oWave.readframes(iChunk)
def audio2array(self, sFileName):
Returns monotone data for a wav audio file in form:
iSampleRate, aNumpySignalArray, aNumpyTimeArray
Should perhaps do this with scipy again, but I threw that code away because I wanted
to try the pyaudio package because of its streaming functions. They defeated me.
import wave
import numpy as np
sDir = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, sFileName)
oWave = wave.open(sDir,"rb")
tParams = oWave.getparams()
iSampleRate = tParams[2] #frames per second
iLen = tParams[3] # number of frames
#depending on the type of encoding of the file. Usually 16
sSound = oWave.readframes(iLen)
aSound = np.fromstring(sSound, np.int16)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("""wave package seems to want all wav incodings to be in int16, else it throws a mysterious error.
Short way around it: find audio encoded in the right format. Or use scipy.io.wavfile.
aTime = np.array( [float(i)/iSampleRate for i in range(len(aSound))] )
dRet = {
'iSampleRate': iSampleRate,
'aTime': aTime,
'aSound': aSound,
'tParams': tParams
return dRet
def resample(self, dSound, iResampleRate=11025):
"""resample audio arrays
common audio sample rates are 44100, 22050, 11025, 8000
#creates very noisy results sometimes.
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
aSound = np.array(dSound['aSound'])
iOldRate = dSound['iSampleRate']
iOldLen = len(aSound)
rPeriod = float(iOldLen)/iOldRate
iNewLen = int(rPeriod*iResampleRate)
aTime = np.arange(0, rPeriod, 1.0/iOldRate)
aTime = aTime[0:iOldLen]
oInterp = interpolate.interp1d(aTime, aSound)
aResTime = np.arange(0, aTime[-1], 1.0/iResampleRate)
aTime = aTime[0:iNewLen]
aResSound = oInterp(aResTime)
aResSound = np.array(aResSound, np.int16)
tParams = list(x for x in dSound['tParams'])
tParams[2] = iResampleRate
tParams[3] = iNewLen
tParams = tuple(tParams)
dResSound = {
'iSampleRate': iResampleRate,
'aTime': aResTime,
'aSound': aResSound,
'tParams': tParams
return dResSound
def add_sounds(self, dSound1, dSound2):
"""join two sounds together and return new array
This method creates a lot of clipping. Not sure how to get around that.
if dSound1['iSampleRate'] != dSound2['iSampleRate']:
raise ValueError('sample rates must be the same. Please resample first.')
import numpy as np
aSound1 = dSound1['aSound']
aSound2 = dSound2['aSound']
if len(aSound1) < len(aSound2):
aRet = aSound2.copy()
aRet[:len(aSound1)] += aSound1
aTime = dSound2['aTime']
tParams = dSound2['tParams']
aRet = aSound1.copy()
aRet[:len(aSound2)] += aSound2
aTime = dSound1['aTime']
tParams = dSound1['tParams']
aRet = np.array(aRet, np.int16)
dRet = {
'iSampleRate': dSound1['iSampleRate'],
'aTime': aTime,
'aSound': aRet,
'tParams': tParams
return dRet
def overlay_sounds(self, sFileName1, sFileName2):
"I think this method warrants a bit more exploration
Also very noisy."
from pydub import AudioSegment
sDir1 = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, sFileName1)
sDir2 = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, sFileName2)
sound1 = AudioSegment.from_wav(sDir1)
sound2 = AudioSegment.from_wav(sDir2)
# mix sound2 with sound1, starting at 0ms into sound1)
output = sound1.overlay(sound2, position=0)
# save the result
sDir = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, 'OUTPUT.wav')
output.export(sDir, format="wav")
def array2audio(self, dSound, sDir=None):
writes an .wav audio file to disk from an array
import struct
import wave
if sDir == None:
sDir = "{}/{}".format(self.sSoundsDir, 'OUTPUT.wav')
aSound = dSound['aSound']
tParams = dSound['tParams']
sSound = struct.pack('h'*len(aSound), *aSound)
oWave = wave.open(sDir,"wb")
def play_array(self, dSound):
"""Tried to use use pyaudio to play array by just streaming it. It didn't behave, and I moved on.
I'm just not getting the pyaudio stream to play without weird distortion
when not loading from file. Perhaps you have more luck.
def plot_audio(self, dSound):
"just plots the audio array. Nice to see plots when things are going wrong."
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(dSound['aTime'], dSound['aSound'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
I also get this error when I use wave. It still works, so I just ignore it. Problem seems to be widespread. Error lines:
ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:618:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Good luck!