I\'m looking for a framework that is better and easier to use than Apache Tiles (which so far, I have used a couple of times).
With Tiles, it seems that when I have
Based on experience, I strongly recommended Apache Wicket.
Overall, I would recommend SiteMesh over Tiles.
Here's how to setup SiteMesh 3
You can use Tiles for in-page templates, but use SiteMesh for site-wide template. Nevertheless...
How to make Tiles suck less:
Use convention over configuration. For example, put your definitions in webapp/WEB-INF/tiles.xml
and there's no need to tell tiles where it is.
Use wildcards:
<definition name="default" template="/WEB-INF/templates/default.jsp">
<put-attribute name="titleKey" value=""/>
<put-attribute name="body" value=""/>
<definition name="*" extends="default">
<put-attribute name="titleKey" value="{1}.title"/>
<put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-INF/views/{1}.jsp" />
If your controller returns view name index
, it will match the definition *
, and use the JSP file /WEB-INF/views/index.jsp
for the body, and use the message property index.title
If your controller returns view name contact-us
, it will match the definition *
, and use the JSP file /WEB-INF/views/contact-us.jsp
for the body, and use the message property contact-us.title
In your template, add:
<c:set var="titleKey"><tiles:getAsString name="titleKey" /></c:set>
<title><spring:message code="${titleKey}"/></title>
Add ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource
bean to your servlet application context.
Make a file /src/main/resources/messages.properties
, with content like:
index.title = Welcome to Acme, Inc.
contact-us.title = Contact Us
(similar to this)
You don't need a definition for every action.
This boilerplate configuration is a hang-up from tiles-1 days. It really isn't necessary with tiles-2 when wildcards were introduced, and especially with tiles-3 along with the OptionsRenderer.
Here's a tutorial that will help you with
An other approach is Sitemesh. It was designed to mesh views where you can not modify the original, so it is more a html transformation/decoration framework than a templating framework like Tiles.
In my personal opinion Tiles is the better approach for appliations, and I would try to implement some kind of resolver (based on some naming conventions) that makes the xml files obsolete, but this was not the question.
@See: This old introductions shows how SiteMesh works.
I ended up using JSF + Facelets. I`ve combined them with Spring MVC and it works like a charm.