I\'m dealing with Bitmaps in my application and for some purposes I need to create a deep copy of the Bitmap. Is there an elegant way how to do it?
I tried
Another way I stumbled on that achieves the same thing is to rotate or flip the image. Under the hood that seems to create a completely new copy of the bitmap. Doing two rotations or flips lets you end up with an exact copy of the original image.
Suppose you already have a bitmap called original with something in it
Bitmap original = new Bitmap( 200, 200 );
Bitmap copy = new Bitmap(original.Width, original.Height);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(copy))
Rectangle imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, copy.Width, copy.Height);
graphics.DrawImage( original, imageRectangle, imageRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
This should create a copy of the same size, and draw the original into the copy.
B.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, B.Width, B.Height), B.PixelFormat)
You could serialize the bitmap and then deserialize it. Bitmap is serializable.
My environment:Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015, Framework 4.5.2
It works for me.
Bitmap deepCopy = new Bitmap(original);