I\'m using the new Dagger2 (ver 2.11) and I\'m using the new features like AndroidInjector
, and ContributesAndroidInjector
. I have an activity subc
This is other type solution: Add modules to other module after that you can call top module in your component interface. It can be more efficiency because you can use abstract and static.
Details and examples are below:
For example, we have an component interface and two modules such as ComponentClasses, Module_ClassA and Module_ClassB.
Module_ClassA is:
public class Module_ClassA {
static ClassA provideClassA(){
return new ClassA();
Module_ClassB is:
abstract class Module_ClassB {
abstract ClassB bindClassB(Fragment fragment); //Example parameter
So now, we have two models. If you want use them together, you can add one of them to other. For example: You can add Module_ClassB to Module_ClassA:
@Module(includes = Module_ClassB.class)
public class Module_ClassA {
static ClassA provideClassA(){
return new ClassA();
Finally, you do not need to add both modules to your component class. You can only add your top module on your component class, like that:
ComponentClasses is:
@Component(modules = Module_ClassA)
public interface ComponentClasses {
//Example code
ArrayList<CustomModel> getList();
However, you should be careful because you need to add your top module. Thus, Module_ClassA added on ComponentClasses interface.
and @ContributesAndroidInjector
methods must be abstract, because they don't have method bodies. That means that they must go on an interface or abstract class. @Provides
methods may be static
, which means they can go on abstract classes and Java-8-compiled interfaces, but non-static ("instance") @Provides
methods don't work on abstract classes. This is explicitly listed in the Dagger FAQ, under the sections "Why can’t @Binds and instance @Provides methods go in the same module?" and "What do I do instead?".
If your @Provides
method doesn't use instance state, you can mark it static
, and it can go onto an abstract class adjacent to your @Binds
methods. If not, consider putting the bindings like @Binds
and @ContributesAndroidInjector
into a separate class--possibly a static nested class--and including that using the includes
attribute on Dagger's @Module
If you are in kotlin world, another alternative is to leverage companion object
abstract class MyDaggerModule {
abstract fun provideSomething(somethingImpl: SomethingImpl): Something
companion object {
fun provideAnotherThing(): AnotherThing {
return AnotherThing()
A little addition to Jeff's solution above:
you may create inner interface instead of static inner class, like this:
@Module(includes = AppModule.BindsModule.class)
public class AppModule {
// usual non-static @Provides
Checkout provideCheckout(Billing billing, Products products) {
return Checkout.forApplication(billing, products);
// interface with @Binds
public interface BindsModule {
ISettings bindSettings(Settings settings);