How to find the last day os the month in postgres? I have a date columns stored as numeric(18) in the format(YYYYMMDD) I am trying it to make it date using
For future searches, Redshift does not accept INTERVAL '1 month'
. Instead use dateadd(month, 1, date)
as documented here.
To get the end of the month use: DATEADD(DAY, -1, (DATE_TRUNC('month', DATEADD(MONTH, 1, date))))
select to_char(date_trunc('month', now() + '01 Months'::interval) - '01 Days'::interval, 'YYYYmmDD'::text)::numeric as end_period_n
For anybody coming to this question looking for the Postgres way to do this (not using Redshift), here's how you'd do it:
SELECT (date_trunc('month', '2017-01-05'::date) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date
AS end_of_month;
Replacing the '2017-01-05'
with whatever date you want to use. You can make this into a function like this:
create function end_of_month(date)
returns date as
select (date_trunc('month', $1) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date;
$$ language 'sql'
immutable strict;
Okay, so you've got a numeric(18)
column containing numbers like 20150118
. You can convert that to a date like:
to_date(your_date_column::text, 'YYYYMMDD')
From a date, you can grab the last day of the month like:
(date_trunc('month', your_date_column) +
interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date;
Combined, you'd get:
select (date_trunc('month', to_date(act_dt::text, 'YYYYMMDD')) +
interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date
from YourTable;
Example at SQL Fiddle.
Simply by using the last_day function:
select last_day(to_date(act_date,'YYYYMMDD'))
PS: Now, i believe that you know that it is very important to choose the right tags for your own question!