I have the following output at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
I added the locale
metatag, because I had a lot of Extraneous Propert
Facebook's documentation is out of date, (big surprise there.) The only allowed og:types can be found here, none of which are company.
This is because even though you have specified og:type=company, the linter is showing that your type is website, and the properties you are trying to use are not applicable for a website object type. There is an accepted answer for this here. Your real problem is that the linter is reading og:type incorrectly.
You should also remember to add namespace declaration
to the head and body tags of your page.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">
<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns# YOUR_NAMESPACE: http://ogp.me/ns/apps/YOUR_NAMESPACE#">
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />
<meta ...
Obviously, replace YOUR_NAMESPACE
with your app's settings.