I am trying to retrieve all products using rest api. I have read this question. I am using postman to make calls. Here is my query
The filter
parameter is no longer supported, see the Docs. So you really need to loop the pages.
Here is how to get all products in JavaScript (for a Gutenberg Block store):
let allProducts = [],
page = 1
while (page !== false) {
const products = yield actions.receiveProducts(`/wc-pb/v3/products?per_page=100&page=${page}`)
if (products.length) {
allProducts = allProducts.concat(products)
} else {
page = false // last page
return actions.setProducts(allProducts)
both seems to work, but to get certain number of products I'm using
put the number of products there. -1 for all products
I was able to find the data using the following solution,
https://squatwolf.com/wc-api/v3/products?filter[limit] =-1
This isn't the latest API endpoint:
You have to fetch page per page to get all the products:
$page = 1;
$products = [];
$all_products = [];
try {
$products = $wc->get('products',array('per_page' => 100, 'page' => $page));
}catch(HttpClientException $e){
die("Can't get products: $e");
$all_products = array_merge($all_products,$products);
} while (count($products) > 0);
simple!!! you can use any number in place of 100. Its just the parameter written in https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#list-all-products
This worked for me. With API v3
Retrieve first 500 products by default or
To get 900 products
function maximum_api_filter($query_params) {
$query_params['per_page']['maximum'] = 10000;
$query_params['per_page']['default'] = 500;
return $query_params;
add_filter('rest_product_collection_params', 'maximum_api_filter', 10, 1 );