I recently upgraded to OSX Mavericks 10.9 from 10.7, and since then it has been causing me lots of troubles. I upgraded Xcode, Command line tools, reinstalled homebrew and r
It appears that both of the following in your code are evaluating arrays:
if current_user
if affiliate
Calling if on an array will give you this error.
I am unsure why you would have current_user as an array unless you are setting it somewhere else in your code, check anywhere you have current_user =
For affiliate, find_by_token is returning an array, perhaps try one of the following:
if affiliate.present?
if !affiliate.nil?
Thank you guys for the answers! So it seems like it was a problem with the sessions that was causing the error..
I was able to solve this by following Devise upgrade from 1.1.5 to 1.4.5 causes Wrong Number of Arguments error
I ran rake tmp:clear
and changed the name of the key in the session_store.rb file.
Wow I spent 14 hours trying to solve this issue and it turns out there was such an easy solution..